Inter-row cultivator Green Razor 5.6 m cultivador nuevo

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Contactos del vendedor

struggles with one and perennial weeds resistant to soil herbicides;
destroys the soil crust, loosens the surface of the field, creates a mulching layer on the soil surface to preserve moisture;
improves water permeability and air quality of the soil;
activates microbiological processes in the soil;
fertilizes the soil;
zone robots light, medium, heavy soils;
it is most effective to use a cultivator cultivating immediately after rain;
the depth of processing depends on the timing, phase of crop development and soil moisture.
has a high frame, which allows for inter-row processing at a later date of vegetation;
processes crops of row crops with low and high stems up to 90 cm;
the method of fastening sections with working bodies makes it easy to adapt to different row spacing, row spacing can be adjusted from 45 to 70 cm;
sections with working bodies of the cultivator are equipped with universal lancet paws mounted on a spring vibration stand;
legs and racks are made of steel of high wear resistance, leg width 150 mm;
five working bodies are fixed on one section when adjusting for a row spacing of 600-700 mm or three working bodies when processing a row spacing of 450-500 mm;
each section with working bodies has a support wheel, which makes it possible to copy the surface of the field along the entire width of the processing unit;
a safety spring is installed on each section with working bodies, which ensures the correct clamping force and accurate retention of the depth of tillage;
in the design of sections with working bodies, plain bearings are used that do not require maintenance;
rolling bearings of the support wheels are protected by anthers, which allows to extend their service life;
it is used in various soil and climatic zones when treating soils of different mechanical composition with moisture up to 28% and hardness up to 3.5 MPa (35kg / cm²);
the cultivator is transferred from the working position to the transport one and vice versa by lowering the tractor hitch, in the parking position the cultivator is on supports;
on the design and method of aggregation mounted cultivator;
aggregation with wheeled and tracked tractors from 80 hp;
attendants - 1 person (tractor driver).
has a high frame, which allows for inter-row processing at a later date of vegetation;
processes crops of row crops with low and high stems up to 90 cm;
the method of fastening sections with working bodies makes it easy to adapt to different row spacing, row spacing can be adjusted from 45 to 70 cm;
sections with working bodies of the cultivator are equipped with universal lancet paws mounted on a spring vibration stand;
legs and racks are made of steel of high wear resistance, leg width 150 mm;
five working bodies are fixed on one section when adjusting for a row spacing of 600-700 mm or three working bodies when processing a row spacing of 450-500 mm;
each section with working bodies has a support wheel, which makes it possible to copy the surface of the field along the entire width of the processing unit;
a safety spring is installed on each section with working bodies, which ensures the correct clamping force and accurate retention of the depth of tillage;
in the design of sections with working bodies, plain bearings are used that do not require maintenance;
rolling bearings of the support wheels are protected by anthers, which allows to extend their service life;
it is used in various soil and climatic zones when treating soils of different mechanical composition with moisture up to 28% and hardness up to 3.5 MPa (35kg / cm²);
the cultivator is transferred from the working position to the transport one and vice versa by lowering the tractor hitch, in the parking position the cultivator is on supports;
on the design and method of aggregation mounted cultivator;
aggregation with wheeled and tracked tractors from 80 hp;
attendants - 1 person (tractor driver).
liquid and dry fertilizer application system;
auxiliary guards protecting plant leaves from damage or falling asleep with soil;
finger polyurethane wheels;
various combinations of paws.
liquid and dry fertilizer application system;
auxiliary guards protecting plant leaves from damage or falling asleep with soil;
finger polyurethane wheels;
various combinations of paws.
Working speed, km / h ... 3-10
Working width, m ... 5.6
Productivity, ha / h ... 1.7-5.6
Max. processing depth, mm ... 120
Working bodies (for row spacing 700 mm), pcs ... 9
Minimum row spacing, mm ... 450
Maximum row spacing, mm ... 700
The paw is wide, mm ... 150
Transport speed, km / h ... 20
Unit weight, kg ... 1550
Tractor power, not less than hp ... 80
Type ... mounted
Attendants, people ... 1 (tractor operator)